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Here Are Some Myths About Plumbing

Homeowners only know a handful of information about the plumbing that runs throughout their residence.

When this knowledge is not utilized on a regular basis, this information can get lost in translation, leading to false assumptions and myths about plumbing. Get to the bottom of these myths by discovering the true facts behind them in the following list:

Plumbing Myth #1: Water Heaters Will Not Explode

Since water heaters operate under intense pressure from within, they can eventually explode if an increase in pressure is not dealt with soon enough. Pressure is maintained through a temperature-pressure (TPR) valve, and if this malfunctions, pressure inside the water heater can increase.

While water heaters can be a dangerous appliance for an untrained person, the chance of rupture is extremely low. Contact a qualified plumber for your Tulsa water heater repair.

Plumbing Myth #2: Critters Can’t Swim Up Pipes

Small creatures can on occasion appear in individuals’ bathtubs, sinks, and toilets.

That is because tiny critters such as frogs, water snakes, and rats thrive in cool, dark, and damp environments such as sewers and pipes.

Rats are actually able to smell food waste that has been washed down kitchen drains and can follow that scent trail all the way up to the drain from which the food came.

Plumbing Myth #3: Plungers Can Fix Any Clog

Plungers are not made to effectively deal with any clog within a pipe. Plungers do not have the power to remove or disrupt obstructions that are deep within pipes, or that are too large.

In order to deal with these types of blockages, a plumbing professional should be contacted so that they can locate the clog and effectively remove it. If you need a Tulsa plumber, we're happy to help.

Plumbing Myth #4: A Leaky Faucet Isn’t So Bad

As soon as you notice a leaky faucet, get to work on addressing the issue. A leaky faucet can quickly waste $20 worth of water. Water enters a plumbing system under pressure, so faucets and taps must have a watertight seal to prevent this water from getting through when a tap is turned off.

Attempt to tighten the washers on the leaky tap or faucet to restore this watertight seal. If the leak is recurring or does not improve, have a plumber come and look at the leak. They are equipped with the right tools to better solve the leak for good.

Plumbing Myth #5: If Water Moves Down a Drain, The Drain is Not Clogged

Just because water moves down a drain, does not mean it is not backed up further down the pipe. There are other clues to a clogged pipe, including the following:

  • A drain is emitting a foul smell from within.

  • Water is draining unusually slowly.

  • There is a water back up in a line somewhere in a house. Check the bathtub and basement drains regularly.

Upon noticing any of these signs, bring in an expert. Only professional plumbers have the tools and knowledge to know how to locate and safely remove these hard to find clogs.

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